Welcome Mat

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~Confucius

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Shared Confession

Dear reader,

Can you relate to this confession?

"The truth.
I tried to morph it into something that I thought I would like better. One that, in my mind, I thought I wanted. I hoped for this improbable series of events only to put myself through an unnecessary roller coaster and I found out.... I didn't even know what the actual truth was.

Allow me to simplify.
I thought someone felt a certain way towards me, in fact I hoped for it. I even pursued it. However, each time I took one step forward in this manner I would get thrown three steps back further into confusion.
When I finally confronted the matter, putting all cards on the table quite bluntly I was rejected. I was shown that my assumptions were false (yes, yes... the word "assume", I know!). What was strange was that when this person told me, honestly and quite gently, how they felt - they care about me, just not in the same way I had thought - I realized that I enjoy our current relationship far more than anything I could have hoped for. It was stronger. I now value it more than any "day-dream".

Yet before this blunt conversation I wanted something different than what I had, and in turn I took what I did  have for granted and couldn't enjoy it because I had some silly "image" in mind. What I didn't see was that this image didn't even come close to comparing to the reality of the situation.
The truth was far more great!
To wrap this dead horse up: Sometimes when we think we want something we just can't see that what we have is what we really need.
I am lucky to have people in my life who care enough about me to be so honest with me and who look out for me.

             I am still discovering who I am"

We all hope for better things. But do we ever stop to think "what do I really need?".... Usually not. Mainly because we don't actually know what we need until it happens.

Everything happens for a reason.

Monday, December 12, 2011

BLAB: Customize Your Life!!

...EVERYTHING nowadays is customizable. The freedom of expression is endless (unless you live in certain areas in the world where total freedom of speech and freedom of online content is prohibited.. in which case, I am very sorry your creativity is being held back - non-politial sorrow, of course!)

Why, just making this Blog has proven to be freeing in a creative sense for me. I love it! The opportunity to change every little piece of font as I see fit somehow astounds me. Or... maybe the fact that I played with the fonts for a solid 15 minutes in total amusement astounds me. Either way, it's just cool!
Enough about fonts.

Back to the point...

Customization! Think about it, you can customize and create to your hearts content at the mere click of a mouse. You have the power to create sheer GENIUS instantly upon your demand - with enough thought, originality and drive that is.

With this power.. you can "customize" practically everything you interact with (technology-wise).
I love options, I enjoy getting to make things personable and more unique. I'm a nerd. It just makes me smile.

Okay, I think I've obsessed over this subject enough.
I'll leave it alone with this thought: I greatly enjoy getting to create the interactive world which lets me release my inner creativity with such ease, all thanks to technology. Thank you WWW for providing amusing options that simply make me smile.

Like SO MANY font options.

So go, play, be free, customize.